Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Dream

Suddenly a light flashed, freshness shillyshallied
The long, quivering thoughts and dull days vanished.
A new array of hopes, another spring sprung –
Full of optimisms – a fresh ardor to putrefied life:
Your entrance gave me a profound joy.

Haunting past had gone, monotonous present altered,
Dreamy future turned to be a new ray upon me.
Lived I in the lackluster past, avenging the pains –
The pain of wounded heart, a benediction in masquerade:
A blessing to embrace a new hope, to open way for new things.

Feared am I to embrace the future, I lived in the past.
Lost traveller am I in the misty future, there was no guide
Neither light nor a new faith was there in me –
Until you came, you came to metamorphose my life
To make me comprehend the future still exists.

Impossible became possible, dreary past seemed illusion
The pragmatism of reality had a new genesis
Abounded with inspirations, driven by aspirations
Traumatized dreams and shattered hopes found a new demesne –
A way into a new world, stable and constant, I believe.

Da Vinci painted your image within me – a stable one.
The frescos in my heart, the tapestry of my life;
Snowy fluid to the past, a light to the future,
You entered with dazzling anticipations and exactitude.
You had indeed performed an efficacious xeno-transplantation.

There is no future but only past, thought I.
Wronged am I, the future still breathed for me,
Instincts had never guided me to future, or to present
Uncertainty became certain, power shunning barricades cleared.
You gave me a new life adorned with inventiveness.

Never thought I, this life would shine on me,
Never dreamt I, there is another person for me,
Never imagined I, my future – a bright and lucid indeed,
Never deemed I, capable of entering to the future
Until you come with the possibilities to build castle in the air.

A short talk enlightened me, your jokes uplifted me
Your innocence to conceal the known facts,
The capabilities of yours’ strengthen the weakened soul,
Motivates me to move forward, to a new horizon
The abyss is no more my world.

You bear the cold, I shared your heat
The chilled heart of mine got warmth once again,
Defied past has vanished into inferno discerning new horizon to future.
Things would never be like this again, deemed I,
But life is suddenly so sweet, a sharp turn of life.

People say that there will be a time in every man’s life,
A time when he will face a question which he has no answer.
Hang ani jang lekcha ya?” you asked me.
The answer I still do not know - too absurd,
The essence of loving you is, however sturdy.

Is it an illusion am I enjoying?
Am I in dream once more in a cozy bed?
Am I under the influence of substance?
If dream, I would continue to sleep,
If effects of substance, I would wish to have more.

Johnson, blame me not but words are not sufficient,
Used I all the vocabs from your store
Still I have many things to share.
Invent me more words, give me your advanced store
I will communicate the whole story to Fanny.

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