Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dreams and Reality

Long ago when I was young and energetic, I had a dream to be a productive citizen of the country. All I had in my mind was to serve the country as a medic. And my father wants me to be an engineer. Life has to go on. The wheel of time kept on turning. I had to grow up. For better or worse, I had to go under a major metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is a journey, long travelled but no fixed destination. In the midst of journey, my dream of becoming medic vanished into air like a thin layers of morning smog in the industrialized area. I landed as an English and Environmental student at Sherubtse College.

Days and months passed. I was a mere wanderer. A lost wanderer in endless desert. Along with the rhythm of music, I decided to be an Environmentalist. I wanted to make earth a better place to live in my own way. I had a wish that I will make people to use resources optimally with minimal waste. The dream was then ushered to a new horizon. I could not continue giving life to my dream. I opted for BA (Hons) in English.

Another year stay at Sherubtse College, another year of surprises. Most of my friends got employed. I was still studying. All I did was wished them a successful life ahead. Another dream. A teacher now. But the dream was short lived when my dad wanted me to be officer in one of the public offices.

I had to change my career track for my dad’s sake. I had to compete with more than 400 people to get myself placed in top 36 of the RCSC examination. A year long stay the Royal Institute of Management. I had no dream. A year passed with talks there and gossips here. Water from shop 55 flowed to the tanks of ROOM 207. Academic year end marked with confusion in choosing career.
I had no expectation that one day I will be in the Department of Protocol under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But the Maker, my Lord destined me here. And I am now in MFA.

May the journey ahead be good. May the road ahead be clear. May I be of great help to the king, the country, and the people.