Monday, May 27, 2013

Farewell Speech

Andrew Marvel said, “Time’s winged chariot.” When I joined Sherubtse College in 2009, I thought I have all the time that the world has, but this notion of mine was wronged. Four years have passed quickly. I regret this very moment for not fully utilizing my stay in this premier institute of learning. I think it is too early for me to leave this college. I regret to keep the pages of beautiful and wisdom bountiful books in library unturned. I have not shook hands with many, my lone world will haunt me. The best company of mine – books will leave me. The pot of wisdom will not accompany me to intensify my worth. 
DH V in particular has provided me a greater platform to enhance my credibility. With compassionate and understanding provost, my intellectual has got a new demesne. With charming and caring inmates, I have learnt to love and value other. The bygone seniors of this very hostel taught me to value public properties and withstand the times of need with unity and cooperation. Working with hands together, our hostel is able to be the best residence place in the college. Our past had believed in oneness, we followed their steps and our success has been guided by them. This moment, a time for me to bid farewell to this heaven teaches me the worth of this hostel and the harmony we shared as a family. Thank you PROVOST, my colleagues who passed out last year and passing this year, juniors who are graduating with three of us this year and the remaining faithful ones. You all together made my stay a wonderful one here.
The faithful ones, who are remaining back, don’t be happy-go-lucky. In the society of pan on the oven, let yourself be cooked but not fully. Remind yourself that out of past, there is present and present should give rays hope to future. Pain is essential for growth. The more remote and in agony you are, the better are you. Comfort zone does not necessarily make you a better person, but sometimes there should be shade to rest before exposing yourselves to the sunshine. Know that seed has to grow to become plant. Plant should grow to become a tree. Tree should get matured to flower. Do not try to walk without feet and fly without wings.
I thank my roommate and cousin, Tenzin Gyalpo, friends Ugen Dorji, Lungten Wangdi and Puran Nepal for being my smile all the time. We laughed, ate and slept together. This tight bond will remain etched within me. I thank Mr. Nandalal Gurung for being my intellectual friend. In teaching you, I learnt more.
Lethro and Tashi Rabgay for being my constant source of success, and you have taught me the things that I have never learnt before. You two also served as my reflector.
I personally thank Mr. Kinley Tenzin for teaching me how to withstand solitude. This is one of the incredible lessons I learnt during my four years stay. Everything in the world is transitory. Not even friendship can perpetuate our existence.
Distance widens as we say farewell. We bid farewell not in our heart, love had grown but we never realized until today. The joy and sorrows we shared are indeed buried under the pages of time. As we depart, words seem vague for only the heart can speak. As tears fill our eyes, we wear fake smiles on our face and bid farewell hoping to meet again
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I will miss you until we meet again.
May the road rise up to meet you, May wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hands.
May the sun of glory shine upon the roof of DH-V, and nurture the saplings of this hostel to board the ship of wisdom to the stable posterity. I thank you all for being the best companion in the needy time.