Tuesday, January 1, 2013

From the Wings of Pen and Other Poetry

Where am I, I am

Journey, life is gone to where I belonged not,
Heard I not the essence of life, instincts lost,
Primitivism ensued, chasm hovered me.
Indeed, this is life, chaotic and muddled.
Promises are made to be broken,
Dreams are dreamt to be shattered!
The journey is tiring, long and winding path:
No beginning, neither end, middle laid I.
Lost, still I know who I am.
From nature I came, to nature I go:
I should dissolve to where I was from.
Godot, where are you, come, save my soul,
Chasm, I hate. Meadows haven’t seen I.
Crusoe lost in deserted island, nowhere am I.
In the kingdom of nowhere, am I the ruler and subordinate.
Perfect isn’t any man, am I a man.
There is rule, makers are breakers.
Innocents lived by law, powerful no law,
Saw I the mishaps and downturn of society –
Yet I find myself on the fence.
There wars, here famine, everywhere problematic,
People live a life with make-belief faith.
There I see, here I hear: problems!
Greed filled people; greed propagated greed,
Tomorrow is not seen, they experience only present,
Dying people have no souls to lament their loss,
Sufferers have none to give aid.
In the name of goodness, the war -
Worst of worse, is fought, civilization is destroying.
Seeking peace, the innocents are made to suffer,
Building vibrant economy, poor are impoverished.
Religion is but a social norm, principles lost their values,
Congregations are commercializing of products, theft of the wealth of pitiable,
Modernity is but a satire to modernism.
Saw I the chaos of world, heard I the bitter stories of mankind;
Mankind look for solution, they seek solution in others
Never did they realized the residence of solution,
Never did they realized the outer world is in problem,
Solution is not outside but within.
I am with the problematic world, I carry solution –
Your instinct is the solution, changeth it to better,
The world will cease the problems.
Happiness will sprung, make your internal tips minimal,
There is tomorrow, future still needs the air we breathe,
Essential, every elements of the earth should be saved.
Ailed state needs remedy, not war but peace at heart.
I am with ailed world, I am sick.
Doth my ancestors thought the repercussions of their action?
Nay, we are suffering today, and future is blurred.
This is the state of our world, I live with this world.
Where I am, I am.